Local Industrial Painters

Industrial painting is a highly-specialized process with unique requirements, in particular, preparing surfaces for the application of protective coatings. Key environment and atmosphere factors, such as humidity and temperature can affect adhesion, chemical bonding and wear resistance, which in turn minimizes the cost efficiency and increases long-term maintenance.

Australia Wide Painters has a wealth of experience in the industrial painting industry. We service both private and public sector clients and deliver outstanding value on all projects, safely and economically, with exceptional quality.

We have been providing our service in Sydney for more than three decades now and we have an efficient team of experts to deliver all the needs of the customers. We also provide customized solutions for the various industries.


Safety Standards

Australia Wide Painters Employees and sub-contractors follow strict safety standards in accordance with our Occupational Health and Safety and Environmental Management Procedures. We use a range of Elevated Work platforms and access equipments. Our Personnel are fully licensed for all the tasks we undertake. All our employees are site safety induced and have induction cards.

Please contact us if you'd like to request additional information, clarification, or and for an estimate Click here regarding this service or any other services Australia Wide Painters offers.
